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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Makes Man Truly Human

I have been sneaking on my brothers’ reflection paper and I found it quite interesting. The topic would be base on the real life of an individual, on how he or she handle of his or her own life and it question the making of us people of what makes a man truly human. Did you often thought about it? And if you’ll as me, I did
 really think of

that when I’m alone or day dream. What make me truly a human…? In my point of view, human are being of this world, we often classify ourselves as man and animals because of the idea of other people that we often believe so. We are here in this world in order for us to understand the true existence and to discover new things. Ugh… enough about that, I hate being so bored that I find myself answering these questions. This question is too complicated but still I answer it, I don’t know if it is right or wrong though. Anyway I would really want to share my brothers’ work and paste it to my blog, but his too selfish to share it to me. Well, I guess I can’t paste it here then.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

◘•Learning Feed Back•◘

When I stare at my medical books, I suddenly remember of the time when I have my R.LE duty in City Health Office. It was a wonderful experience for me and I gain a lot of new knowledge, I learned the different meaning and uses of Therapeutic Communication Technique such as giving information by making available fact that the client needs, giving recognition by greeting the client in their own name, showing acceptance to indicates that the health worker has heard and is following the communication trend, offering one self, making observation that may help us understand the client and many more. I also experience on how to take the apical pulse of a baby, isn’t that great? The experience I mean, by the way apical pulse in the heartbeat of the apex of the heart and is heard with the use of stethoscope. Well anyway, let me tell you about what happen at that time, it was my second week of R.L.E duty in City Health Office, under the supervision of our clinical instructor Mrs. Leonida Cabrera, a registered nurse. Every day is consultation day in C.H.O, our clinical instructor instructed us to do our responsibility in getting the vital sign like taking the temperature, the pulse rate and the respiration of the client as well as the blood pressure. We were also given the chance to observe the different facilities in health center and to interview a client using therapeutic communication technique. I also determine the use and meaning of each technique, then after that, I record the important information regarding the client, and submitted it to my instructor. Mrs. Leonida Cabrera, our instructor was a gentle and kind teacher, she teaches us new thing on how to communicate with people properly. I was lucky to be her student and guess what, she even give me a higher grade in my performance (n_n). In our second week of duty, we did not go to City Health Office; instead we stayed in school to have our mass for the celebration of nursing day. There are a lot of nursing student from other school attended the mass and after the mass we nursing student assemble outside the school ground in preparation of the parade. It was the most memorable experience I ever had and I had fun in making new friend and all. I hope next time will also be a memorable moment**


Did you ever imagine a place where island is floating to tine air without anything to support with? Mystical beast is every where and other mystical stuff? Its sound crazy, I know you think it’s absurd and you think it’s beyond our imagination. I know dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. But think again, a dream is like that you know. Anyway, guess what… I cut my hair short but not too short, of course with my bangs on it. Hm…? Why did I come up with that kind of title? Well, you see I had these odd dreams recently and it makes me think of like a fantasy short of thing, it has a strange place, I don’t know where it located and I think it’s not even in the map, plus it give me a freak! The place has this unfinished building, it have a golden decoration all over the place and know what… I even become a slave myself (well, that suck) to sum it all I’m been sold off for a cheap price! Great! That’s a pain in the ass (>_<) and no one wanted to buy me(that’s a bit disappoint though). I also had this dream that I become a mermaid and their this spiky stuff or I could say it’s like thorns, because it’s like a flower thorns or something and it’s green after all (well, that’s my favorite color by the way) and its spreading all over my hand, my legs and tight turn to fins just like a fish. Okay, lets stop it their, its too much for me (T_T) and it’s really creepy. Although the content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology. And in dreams the most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety. Other emotions include pain, abandonment, fear, joy, etc. Negative emotions are much more common than positive ones. I also have this dream as if it did not happen once but twice and I think its déjà vu, there is this one theory of déjà vu attributes the feeling of having previously seen or experienced something to having dreamt about a similar situation or place, and forgetting about it until one seems to be mysteriously reminded of the situation or place while awake. Well so much for dreams, see ya(^_^)

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey there~*

I’m currently thinking of something to type on my BLOG. After a hard time of meditating or so called thinking, I came out of a nice thought. I suddenly recognize and/or remember the article I read last night. It was quite interesting, as far as I could recall the title of the article is UNIVERSITY DIGEST. It is a magazine of WMSU an official student publication. It tackles about the opinions and ideas of each individual (student and professor of the university). Each page of the magazine has it own stories of every days life and the struggles for better education, but there was this one page that couth my attention and it discuss about the true identification of BLOG. People intend to ask; “WHAT IS BLOG?” surely there is a lot of answer to that question. When I read each lines and paragraph, I find out that BLOG is defined as a diary; personal chronological log of thoughts publishes on a web page. More likely, it is a web site contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs and often hyperlinks provided by the writer. BLOG give us the privilege to post our ideas and perspectives on the web but also it has this certain new and cool imposition to bloggers, and that is why BLOG is quite fascinating. Well, not all BLOG contents are credible. Remember: some irresponsible user tend to use blogging for demoralizing purposes. And that is the reason i create my own blog: ]