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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Makes Man Truly Human

I have been sneaking on my brothers’ reflection paper and I found it quite interesting. The topic would be base on the real life of an individual, on how he or she handle of his or her own life and it question the making of us people of what makes a man truly human. Did you often thought about it? And if you’ll as me, I did
 really think of

that when I’m alone or day dream. What make me truly a human…? In my point of view, human are being of this world, we often classify ourselves as man and animals because of the idea of other people that we often believe so. We are here in this world in order for us to understand the true existence and to discover new things. Ugh… enough about that, I hate being so bored that I find myself answering these questions. This question is too complicated but still I answer it, I don’t know if it is right or wrong though. Anyway I would really want to share my brothers’ work and paste it to my blog, but his too selfish to share it to me. Well, I guess I can’t paste it here then.

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